Who is nerdgirl_art?
nerdgirl_art is a female developer that creates video games and Minecraft-related things
nerdgirl_art is a female developer that creates video games and Minecraft-related things
nerdgirl_art currently uses Unreal Engine 5.3 to make her games. She has been working with Unreal Engine for five years. In this time, she has been able to grow and improve her skills.
All rights are reserved by default for all of my projects. If there is a project that uses textures or assets from other games or other websites, it will be noted. All assets are automatically reserved under Creative Commons 0 unless noted. All project names are automatically reserved under All Rights Reserved unless noted. Users personal information, by default, is never shared by or to anyone including myself unless specifically noted. If a WiFi connection is needed, it will be stated.
This website is maintained by nerdgirl_art. Find her links here